Mari Mod (Legacy) cards

DebutBasicSkill1 (0)Innate. Spend 5 Gold to apply 2 Radiance and gain 2 Radiance. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 4 (5) Block. Kindle: Gain 4 (5) more.
ReminisceBasicSkill0Choose from 3 (4) types of cards in your exhaust pile to randomly move one to your hand. You cannot choose that type again.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage. Apply 1 Radiance.
Stewshine!SpecialSkill0Play three combined cards. (Special Relic Card.)
"It's Joke!"CommonAttack0Deal 12 (15) damage to an enemy, then restore the enemy's HP back to its original value.
"Let's Go!"CommonSkill0Draw 3 (4) cards. This always costs 1 more for each other skill in your hand.
DefianceCommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. If you are Frail, lose 1 Frail and gain 8 (10) Block.
Dolphin StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage to a random enemy 2 (3) times. Kindle: Deal damage an extra time.
Fragile HopeCommonSkill0Gain 1 Frail. Gain 1 (2) Radiance and draw a card for each debuff you have.
GlowCommonAttack1Deal 3 damage and apply 2 (3) Radiance to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Golden GlintCommonSkill0Spend 5 Gold to gain 3 (4) Radiance.
Heavy PriceCommonAttack1Deal damage equal to (3 +) twice the total cost of all other cards in your hand.
Lie In WaitCommonSkill1Gain 4 (5) Block. At the start of your next turn, deal 8 (10) damage to ALL enemies.
Old CostumeCommonSkill0Target ANY character. It gains 7 Block and 1 Vulnerable.(Gain !B! Block.)
Pent-up EmotionsCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage and lose 1 Frail. When you draw this, gain 1 Frail.
Reckless DrivingCommonAttack1Deal 12 (16) damage. Gain 1 Vulnerable.
Reckless SpendingCommonSkill0Ethereal. Spend 10 (5) Gold. Draw a card. Gain 15 Gold if you do not lose HP until your next turn. Exhaust.
Self-CareCommonSkill1Spend 5 Gold to gain 10 (13) Block and draw a card.
Slap!CommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Deals 6 (7) more damage for each stack of Vulnerable you have.
SparkleCommonAttack1Deal 6 damage. Apply 2 (3) Radiance. Exhaust.
Tough FrontCommonSkill3Gain 12 (15) Block. Gain [E] [E]. Gain 1 Frail. Kindle: Lose 2 Frail.
Well-Kept SecretCommonSkill3Gain 20 (25) Block and keep your Block at the start of your next turn. Kindle: Retain your hand this turn.
"Approved!"UncommonAttack2Deal 28 (35) damage to an enemy if it does not intend to attack. Exhaust.
"Kyu!"UncommonSkill9Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Apply 9 Radiance. Exhaust.
"No Problem!"UncommonSkill1 (0)Ignore Frail, Weak, and Vulnerable this turn. Kindle: Ignore for 2 turns instead. Exhaust.
"Pretty Bomber Head!"UncommonPower1 (0)Become Confused. Draw 1 more card each turn.
"Shut uuuuuup!"UncommonSkill1Gain (GAIN) 4 (6) Strength (STRENGTH THIS TURN!!!) this turn. Enemy loses (ENEMY LOSES) 4 (6) strength this turn. (STRENGTH THIS TURN!!!) Exhaust. ((!!!!!))
AweUncommonSkill1Repeat 2 (3) times: Kindle: Gain 1 Strength and [E].
Boundless EnergyUncommonSkill2Spend 10 Gold to gain 3 (4) [E]. Can be upgraded any number of times. Exhaust.
Cash BackUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever you spend Gold, regain 40 percent of it. (Max 80 percent)
Character DevelopmentUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you fully lose a debuff, gain 2 Strength.
ChoreographyUncommonPower1Whenever you spend less energy on a card than the previous on the same turn, draw 1 (2) card(s).
ClosureUncommonSkill2Gain 22 (28) Block and permanently decrease the Block by 2. Can be upgraded any number of times to increase Block by 6.
Collect ThoughtsUncommonSkill1 (0)Discard your hand. Add a copy of each card discarded to your hand. Kindle: Upgrade the copies. Exhaust.
DelicacyUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you spend Gold, draw a card.
Emotional EpisodeUncommonSkill0Ethereal. Spend 10 (5) Gold. Draw a card. Gain 20 Gold if you start your next turn with a debuff. Exhaust.
ExcitementUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you apply Radiance, draw a card that applies Radiance.
ExpensesUncommonAttack2Deal 12 damage. Deals 4 (6) more for each time you spent Gold this combat.
Expensive TastesUncommonSkill1 (0)Rearrange your draw pile by cost. (Expensive on top) Kindle: The top card costs 0 until played.
Fire StrikeUncommonSkillXApply 1 Radiance to an enemy X (X+1) times. Exhaust.
FlauntUncommonPower1Whenever you spend Gold, deal 5 (8) damage to a random enemy.
GlimmerUncommonSkill1Apply, remove, and apply 2 (3) Radiance. Exhaust.
Heavy MetalUncommonAttack2Remove and apply all your Vulnerable to ALL enemies, then deal 12 (16) damage to them.
HugUncommonSkill0If you are Frail, lose 1 Frail, draw a card, and Apply 1 (2) Weak and Vulnerable.
Mic CheckUncommonAttack0Deal 5 (8) damage. Put ALL cards with quotation marks in their names from your draw pile into your hand.
OverexertionUncommonSkill1Draw 4 (5) cards and reduce their costs by 1 this combat (down to 1). Gain 1 Vulnerable. Gain 1 Frail.
Practice OutfitUncommonSkill3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Until the end of your next turn, you take no damage and you deal no attack damage. Exhaust.
ReflectionUncommonSkill1Spend 5 Gold to target ANY character. Apply its Radiance to a random (ALL) other character(s).
ResearchUncommonPower1Whenever you successfully Kindle an enemy, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 (2) this combat.
Second SeasonUncommonSkill1 (0)Return all cards that apply Radiance from your exhaust pile to your draw pile, they cost 0 until played. Exhaust.
ShineUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) Radiance to ANY character. Exhaust.
Tea TimeUncommonSkill1Spend 5 Gold to reduce ALL debuff stacks by 2 (3).
The Beach EpisodeUncommonSkill0Remove all Block and Frail from ANY (ALL) character(s). Gain 1 Radiance for every 5 Block or 1 Frail removed.
The FLYING CARUncommonAttack3Spend 10 Gold to deal 32 (42) damage and apply 5 Radiance.
The HELICOPTERUncommonAttack3Spend 10 Gold to deal 5 damage to a random enemy 7 (9) times.
The Light We ChaseUncommonPower2(Gain [E].)Whenever an enemy gains Radiance, you gain 1 Radiance.
The PlanisphereUncommonAttack1 (0)Choose 1 of 3 random cards to add to your hand. Deal damage and apply Radiance equal to its cost. Exhaust.
Unveiled SecretUncommonSkill0Ethereal. Spend 10 (5) Gold. Draw a card. Gain 25 Gold if you start your next turn with no Block. Exhaust.
Wishing FountainUncommonSkill0Gain 20 (30) Gold. Lose any unspent Gold from this card at the start of your next turn. Exhaust.
WithdrawalUncommonPower1(Innate.)You have additional Dexterity and Strength equal to your Vulnerable.
zzz...?UncommonSkill1Retain. Gain 13 (16) Block. If you start your turn with this in hand, gain 1 Vulnerable.
"All or Nothing!"RareSkill0Set the cost of ALL your cards to 0 or 3, randomly. Kindle: Only change non-0-cost cards. Exhaust (Downgrade this card this combat).
"Lock on!"RareSkill1 (0)Choose an enemy. After you target that enemy with a card this turn, gain [E]. Exhaust.
"Oh My God!"RareSkill3If any enemy intends to attack, play copies of up to 4 (10) random cards in your hand on a target for free. (Except "Oh My God!")
"SHIIIIIINY!"RareSkill1Double ANY (ALL) character's Radiance. Exhaust.
Administrator PrivilegeRarePower1(Innate.)Spend 25 Gold. Instead of drawing regularly, you choose cards from your draw pile to put into your hand at the start of your turn.
Devilish AssistantRarePower3 (2)At the start each turn, play the last card you played on the same target for free. (Does not self-trigger)
Flawless FormRarePower3(Innate.)Whenever you spend more energy on a card than the previous on the same turn, refund the energy spent.
From Zero...RarePower3 (2)Whenever you spend 0 [E] on a card, exhaust the card, draw a card, and apply 1 Radiance to a random enemy.
Grand SchemeRareSkillXSpend 5 Gold X times. At the start of your next turn, gain 10 Gold and [E] X (X+1) times. Exhaust.
Higher-UpsRareSkill2Choose ANY (Upgraded) Mari card to add to your hand. Reduce its cost to 0 this turn and Spend 10 Gold for each [E] reduced. Exhaust.
LimelightRarePower1 (0)At the end of your turn, apply 1 Radiance to ALL characters.
Perfect PerformanceRareAttack0Retain. Deal 40 (50) damage to ALL enemies. Can only be played if you have spent 1,2, and 3 [E] on cards this turn.
Shining TornadoRareAttack2Deal 2 (4) damage and apply 2 Radiance to a random enemy 3 times. Exhaust.
SupervisionRarePower3 (2)Set the cost of ALL your cards to 2. At the start of your turn, gain [E] [E] [E].
The GOLDEN STATUERareAttack3Spend 10 Gold to deal 19 (24) damage and gain 19 (24) Block.
The MANSIONRareSkill3Spend 10 Gold to remove ALL your debuffs and gain 30 (40) Block.
Undying SparkRareSkill0Apply 1 (2) Radiance. After you gain Frail or Vulnerable, returns from the Exhaust Pile to your Hand. Exhaust.

Mari Mod (Legacy) relics

The SparkStarterMariAt the start of combat, gain 5 Gold. For every 40 Gold you spend in combat, gain an extra uncommon card reward in your next combat reward."SHIIIIIIIIINY!" – Mari Ohara, Probably.
Devil's CharmSpecialWhenever you take 6 or more unblocked damage, gain 1 Strength.Thank you, Yoshiko-chan.
Dolphin TrinketSpecialWhenever you add an Uncommon card to your deck, heal 8 HP.Thank you, Kanan.
Flower RingSpecialThe first time you lose HP each combat, lose 4 less HP.Thank you, Hanamaru-chan.
Juicy TangerineSpecialAt the start of each combat, apply 1 or 3 (depending on your character) Radiance to ALL characters.Thank you, Chika-chi.
Miniature PianoSpecialEverytime you play 3 cards, draw a card. (Triggers once per turn)Thank you, Riko-chan.
Old LollipopSpecialWhenever you deal attack damage to an enemy, reduce its max HP by 5 (but not less than 1).Thank you, Ruby-chan.
Toy SailboatSpecialEvery time you play 2Powers, gain 7Block.Thank you, You-chan.
Ume BlossomSpecialWhenever you smith, increase your max HP by 7 (does not affect current HP).Thank you, Dia-...chan!
DiplomaBossMariGain [E] at the start of your turn. Radiance now decays by 2 instead.We all fade eventually.
Festival BadgeBossWhenever you have a pair of unupgraded cards with the same name in your deck, upgrade them.Alternatively, you can use a UR sticker.
Stewshine!BossMariUpon pickup, select 3 cards from 20 random cards. Combine their cost and card text into one exhaust skill.Personal recipe by Mari Ohara, only costs 100,000¥ a bowl.

Mari Mod (Legacy) keywords

KindleYou can target ANY character with this card. Consume 1 Radiance from the character to trigger an effect.
RadianceWhenever an enemy gains Radiance, it takes damage equal to its total Radiance. If you have Radiance, you deal 10% more attack damage per stack. At the end of a character's turn, it loses 1 Radiance.

Mari Mod (Legacy) creatures
